Maydare Volume 1 Chapter 6 - The Spirit Summoning Ceremony (Part 2)

 Seeing a bunch of new people here...

This is the part where Professor Ulysses tells Makia that even a one-star low ranked spirit can be powerful if used right

On that day, there were no classes other than the “spirit summoning ceremony”, so we had free time in the afternoon.

Lapis was the only one who went to a different classroom, since she had to attend an orientation for international students or something like that.

I immediately went to the school’s tool store to buy wood and glass to prepare a cage to raise the two dwarf hamsters in, relying on my past life memories of having a hamster. 

Senior Nagie, the leader of the girls’ dorm, told me that there was an atelier on the outskirts of the island I could use freely, so I thought I’d make the cage there.

“Oh, Miss Makia.”

“Professor Ulysses.”

At the tool store, I coincidentally ran into Professor Ulysses from Spirit Magic class.

For some reason, he was in front of the sweets shelf, looking at cookies.

“How was the first class? You summoned two spirits, but you seem to be doing well.”

“Doing well...what do you mean by that, sir?”

“Usually, after that class, everyone would be drained of their magic power and become exhausted. That is why that is the only class on the first day.”

“Oh, so that’s the case. No, I’m feeling great. I think it’s probably because I drank salt apple juice before I did it!”

I said that proudly, but the professor didn’t seem to get it, and rather looked at the lumber I was carrying curiously.

“What will you do with those?”

“Oh, I want to make a cage for the two ham-cha...dwarf hamster spirits I summoned today. And a hamster wheel for them to play with.”

“Fufufu. Unlike ordinary animals, though, spirits can live as they please. You’re the first student I’ve seen who would go this far for a mouse or hamster spirit.”


“Those at your age can only measure the quality of a spirit by its rarity or rank. It isn’t wrong, but if we’re only concerned with that, then we won’t be able to perceive the true nature of the spirit. Spirits have hearts as well, and they get hurt when they’re simply called ‘failures.’ In addition, they only lend their power to masters they can trust. There’s no harm in loving them as much as you can.”


Professor Ulysses didn’t make fun of my hamster spirits, unlike the other students.

As expected of the leading figure in spirit magic. He probably loved spirits.

“Um, I know you’re very knowledgeable about spirits, professor, but what do these little ones eat? It’s sunflower seeds, right?”

“Sunflower seeds? Ahahahahaha!”

Professor Ulysses laughed aloud, a rare occurrence.

“You don’t need to give food to spirits. However, there are those who enjoy it as an indulgence, so it’s good to give them something as a part of physical intimacy. I also came here to buy biscuits, which are Phantrome’s favorites. He’s selfish enough to even specify the maker.”

“Hoo hoo. It’s because His Highness works me quite hard. I believe it’s a fair price to pay. Hoo.”

The owl spirit on Professor Ulysses’ shoulder talked…!

I see, so the professor was standing before the sweets shelf because he was buying its favorite food. 

“By the way, did you bring two hamsters along with you?”

“Ah, yes. They’re in my pocket.”

The ham-chans were squirming around in my pocket, but when I called them, they climbed onto my shoulder. They were a bit slow and dumb looking, but Professor Ulysses smiled fondly as he looked at them.

“It doesn’t seem like anyone noticed, but these two are actually named spirits.”

“Huh, really!?”

I was looking forward to naming them, but I was a little shocked.

However, named spirits were spirits that once performed a great achievement under someone.

These frail little ham-chans were...Aah, they were rubbing against me. So cute. 

“Professor, do you know their names?”

“Yes. The white one is Popoloactus, and the yellow one is Dontanates.”

“Th-those are surprisingly excessive names…”

“These are two spirits that served the ‘Scarlet Witch.’ They aren’t recorded in any text, so no one knows about them. If these little ones are the spirits who appeared, then Miss Makia, you certainly have the blood of the Scarlet Witch running through your veins.”


The Scarlet Witch. The world’s worst witch.

I had no idea that these two were the spirits that served my ancestor, and I could only look down at the ham-chans on my shoulder in astonishment. 

”No matter how excellent a spirit you use, it is up to the master to draw out its power. On the other hand, even the smallest spirit can become an invaluable partner if you establish a strong bond with it and know its characteristics well. You didn’t judge your spirits by their ranks, but immediately said that you will make them your familiars. …Please work hard on your spirit magic with confidence. I am sure those two will respond to you.”


Professor Ulysses nodded and took a box of cookies to the register. 

Even though he was a prince, he didn’t act self-importantly and was kind. He was a good teacher whose words resounded in your heart.

”Huh? But I wonder how Professor Ulysses knew the names of spirits that aren’t recorded in any text. Maybe he had to do a lot of research in order to become a teacher of spirit magic…”

As I adjusted the lumber I was holding in my arms with a huff, I had a small question in my mind.


  1. Thank you for the chapter

    Ulysses seems like a good teacher but a bit suspicious. Also I hope the hamsters get nicknames because their names are just too much


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