Maydare Volume 7 Chapter 1 - On the Morning of the Return

 Finally starting Volume 7! Be prepared for some big reveals!!

The sweet scent of morning dew.

The whispering of leaves rubbing against each other.

The consoling, gentle sunlight filtering through the trees.

The World Tree continued to ask me this question.

For whom was this story written in order to save them?

I, who forgot the precious wishes, oaths, everything, was the worst person in the world.

”I’m so…I’m sorry…Kanon!”

At the roots of the giant tree, I awakened to a quiet morning.

I spat out words of repentance as I lay on the cold moss-covered ground.

My chest burned with pain.

I, Makia O’Drielle, had just had a long, long dream after touching the World Tree Vabilophos.

I recalled all of the <Scarlet Witch’s> memories.

The events that actually happened in this world called Maydare five hundred years ago.

Those memories contained a history that had never been passed down, a story that had never been told to anyone, and hid truths that I must learn.

Kanon, who I named and loved as my own child.

I should have never forgotten the days I spent with him, and the promises I made to him.

Awful. Awful.

I was an awful witch for forgetting Kanon.

Ever since I came into this world as Makia O’Drielle, I had always feared Kanon as the grim reaper who would kill me one day.

Now I knew. He was only being forced to do so because of the “laws of this world.”

No matter how many times I’m killed by you, as long as you’re happy in the place you reach in the end, that’s all that matters.

I said those words to him.

”Are you alright, Makia?”


I was clutching my head and gripping my hair so tightly as if to tear it out as I sobbed, tears streaking down my face.

The <Green Priestess>, Perselyse, peered into my face.

She frowned and looked extremely worried.

What did I look like right now?

”You’ve Returned. I understand that you’re confused right now, but please calm down. I know, would you like to drink some warm herbal tea?”

”I don’t have time for that…I have to go see Kanon…!”

”Kanon?” Perselyse tilted her head in confusion. I clung to her in desperation.

”Hey, where’s Kanon? I have to apologize to him.”


”It was me! I was the one who named that child!”


”I kept telling myself over and over that I must not forget…!”

At first, Perselyse was taken aback by how distraught I was. She probably didn’t even understand what I was wailing about.

But then, she suddenly looked serious.

”I see. So you truly remembered everything.”

For a while, Perselyse listened intently. I could hear the distant cries of birds.

With a mature and calm tone, she guided me as a priestess.

”Kanon Pachelbel appears to be in Vabel Palace. The bellbird spirits who live in the World Tree told me.”


”Take care. May Vabilophos bless you. Mea Dea.”

As though pushed by Perselyse, I stood up.

Then, I staggered forward on the cold, moist moss.

I tripped over the tree roots several times in this verdant holy place. But I was so agitated that I couldn’t even feel the pain of my scraped knees.

This was no time to be confused by the vast amount of memories filling my head.

I wanted to see Kanon and apologize to him as soon as possible.

I left the Para Maya Cathedral in my nightclothes, with a battered, tear-stained face and clutching the handkerchief Kanon lent me. I then wandered around the corridors of the adjoining Vabel Palace.

I must have been a bizarre sight, with my whole body covered in mud and moss.

The passing priests and sisters all looked aghast when they saw me, but I didn’t care about any of that.

I ran into Thor in the middle of the hallway.

He was stunned when he saw me.

”What… What happened, Milady!”


Thor was properly clad in the uniform of the Ruschian delegation in the morning, very different from me, who was wandering around a foreign palace in my nightwear.

”Milady, I was searching for you because you weren’t in your room. Why are you covered in mud? And your knees are scraped too. And, why are you crying so intensely…?”

Thor took out a handkerchief from his breast pocket and reached out to wipe my tear-stained face.

But for some reason, I kept vigorously shaking my head.

”Thor. I’m sorry.”


”I’ve ‘Returned.’”


”I touched the World Tree and recalled the Scarlet Witch’s memories.”

Thor’s face stiffened.

My Return was one of his greatest fears.

Even though I knew that, right now I was so filled with my own regrets that I couldn’t be there for him.


Spotting Kanon over Thor’s shoulder, I rushed up to him. 

Kanon was walking down the hallway in Frezier’s military uniform. He didn’t look that much different from when we met just before I touched the World Tree.

But now, my impression and perception of this person has done a complete 180.

”I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Kanon!” I cried as I clung to Kanon’s arm, ignoring the gazes of the people around us.

”I finally remembered everything. I, I, I’m the worst person in the world…”


”I was the one who gave you your name… You were the most important person in the world to me! But I forgot everything and celebrated my new life. My life as Makia O’Drielle.”

Even though you were still trapped by the laws of this world.

”Forgive me, forgive me, Kanon…forgive me.”

Why was I asking for forgiveness?

I had no right to do that.

”No. Don’t do that! Don’t forgive me. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I’m a horrible person…!”

To outsiders, I was speaking and acting in such a strange way that it must have seemed like I lost my mind.

Thor was staring at me in astonishment. Lapis and Nero, perhaps hearing the commotion, were also there.

People from Vabel and the Frezier soldiers were also murmuring to each other, wondering what was going on.

After all, a little girl like me from a foreign delegation repenting to Frezier’s General Kanon in front of a large crowd of people didn’t make sense no matter how you think about it.

On the other hand…

”Let go of me, Makia O’Drielle.” Kanon spoke in an emotionless tone and shook me off his arm.

I fell to the ground with a loud thud.

”Milady!” Thor rushed up to me. “General Kanon, what is going here!” he asked Kanon in a biting tone.

However, Kanon only ignored Thor after giving him a single glance. He looked down at me with his frigid crimson eyes.

”The World Tree might have guided you to your Return, but don’t get trapped by the memories of your past life. I am no longer yours now.”


”And you’re no longer Makirié either.”

I couldn’t say anything in response to his clear words.

I had been so distraught earlier, apologizing over and over again.

At that moment, I heard the clicking of high heels walking towards us briskly.

A butterfly spirit flew past my eyes. I could see fine scales of light trailing its tail.

Long wisteria hair fluttered.

”Indeed. He is now mine.”

Queen Shatoma was standing next to Kanon before I knew it. She thrusted the tip of her favorite fan before my eyes as I remained on the ground.

“This is why people who have just Returned are so bothersome to deal with. They weep and wail like newborn babes.”


”Has the memories of the <Scarlet Witch> hijacked your personality? Makia O’Drielle, you have fallen far below my expectations.”

And then, the queen opened her fan near her mouth.

”I’ll say this once. Kanon is no longer yours.”

Her amber eyes gleamed dully upon me as I laid there, flustered.

”In this life, he is mine. If you try to steal Kanon from me–it’s war.”

There was a sharpness in the queen’s declaration and gaze.

The word “war” made the onlookers start chattering at once. I have also turned completely pale.

”Hmph. Let’s go, Kanon.”

Queen Shatoma turned on her heel and left with Kanon in tow, majestically flipping her mantle even while being watched by so many people.

I, on the other hand, was just slumped there without even blinking.

Kanon was getting farther and farther away.

I saw the image of the Kanon who I used to love like my own child in his back.

”Milady, did something happen with General Kanon?”



Even though Thor was confused, I couldn’t even answer his question.

All I did was stare at Kanon’s back as he walked away.

”Makia, what’s wrong? You were apologizing to my brother…”

”Makia, what’s going on?”

Nero and Lapis ran to me worriedly.

I couldn’t answer them either.

Because no one here but me knew about the Scarlet Witch, Makirié.

I didn’t know how to explain the repentance of “someone” they didn’t know.


I couldn’t even stand up. I covered my face with my palms and sobbed out loud.

Queen Shatoma said I was like a newborn baby. She was exactly right.

I couldn’t even find it in me to care about the people who were worried about me and speak to them.

I was rocked and shaken by the cradle of memories, crying incessantly.

My past life, shown to me by the World Tree.

It was the story of the Scarlet Witch, Makirié Lucia.

In the memories that retraced her life and led up to her death, I recalled many things and knew that they were connected to the present.

I didn’t even know what to feel or do from now on.

I naively assumed that I would only be taking peek at someone else’s memories. That wasn’t the case at all.

I could no longer think of Makirié as a stranger, nor could I ignore her feelings. I couldn’t be the Makia I’ve been until now.

This was what the Return was.

It wasn’t someone else’s past life. It was unmistakably my own, a lifetime’s accumulation of memories and emotions.


I woke up with a start.

The ceiling of my Vabel bedroom appeared vaguely in my vision.

I cried myself to the point of exhaustion, and then fell asleep again. This time I slept soundly without even a moment to dream.

My head ached. I was thirsty.

I got off my bed and looked out from the open balcony. It was still bright outside.

I looked down at Vabel’s square and saw many people outside getting ready for the festival.

”That’s right. The Holy Festival is soon…” I murmured. Even I was surprised by how listless I sounded.

Even though I was trapped and confused by the memories of my past life and repeating nonsensical repentances, everyone else was naturally living in the present. The time of the world was ticking away…

And so, my stomach rumbled.

That was because I hadn’t eaten anything since this morning. Even crying took up energy.

I wanted to eat something…

Right at that moment, there was a knock on the door.

”Um, Makia? Are you awake?” It was Lapis. She sounded a little hesitant, like she was trying to see how I was doing. “I’ve brought you some snacks, but…um, I’ll just leave them outside.”

I hurriedly opened the door. “Lapis…!”


Lapis had put a tray full of food in front of my room and was just about to leave. I hugged her tightly.

”I’m sorry, Lapis. I…! You were worried about me since this morning. I’m sorry.” I apologized for my behavior this morning.

“There’s no need to apologize.” Lapis looked surprised at my incoherent apology, but gently hugged me back and stroked my head. Then, she whispered, “You’re the usual Makia now, aren’t you. Welcome back.”

”Oh, Makia. You’re awake?” Nero arrived as well and suddenly  appeared at the door. He was carrying a bottle of refreshing-looking citrus juice. “Your face is a mess. Are you okay?”


Nero received me with his usual attitude.

Even if I recovered the memories of the <Scarlet Witch>, for my friends in the former Garnet Team 9, I was still nothing more than Makia O’Drielle.

”I see, so you were led to the center of the Holy Land by the Green Priestess… you went beyond those green doors,” Lapis said.

”There, you touched the World Tree and recovered the <Scarlet Witch’s> memories,” Nero said.

”...Yes. It’s what Lord-class magicians call the ‘Return.’”

I was explaining to Lapis and Nero about my past life memories returning to me and my actions towards General Kanon this morning, all the while eating the lightly seasoned potato salad sandwich from Lapis and the citrus juice from Nero.

Of course, I couldn’t go into detail about the events of my past life…


I glanced at Lapis. 

She probably didn’t know that the Twilight clan was descended not only from the <Black Demon King>, but also the <Scarlet Witch>.

But I didn’t know if I should tell her.

It was definitely something that required the advice of one of the great magicians.

”The Return, huh. So that’s what the Lord-class magicians call the recovery of past life memories. If it means touching the World Tree, retracing the entirety of someone’s life, and regaining a vast amount of memories, then I can understand the meaning behind Makia’s outburst this morning…” Nero glanced at Lapis awkwardly as he said this.

Lapis also looked a little awkward. “Makia. I don’t want to tell you this, but it’s become quite the commotion outside.”


”They’re saying you incurred the wrath of Queen Shatoma by embracing the famous ‘Grim Reaper,’ General Kanon Pachelbel.”

”Uh, ah…” I turned pale as I listened to Lapis’s words.

Nero continued. “It’s because the queen said ‘it’s war.’ Apparently, the Ruschians are getting very nervous after hearing that. The queen you saw this morning was actually the spirit Misty created by alter ego magic, but it doesn’t change the fact that they are Her Majesty’s words. The word ‘war’ coming from a ruler carries a lot of weight.”

Incidentally, the real queen was attending an international conference at Frezier Palace during that time.

”What, what should I do…! If Ruschia and Frezier really do get into a war because of me? The world situation will get even more complicated!”

”Well, I don’t think an actual war will break out between allied nations, but I think it’s Queen Shatoma’s style of strong discouragement,” Nero reasoned calmly, as I was trembling and holding my head in my hands.

Now, I finally felt a strong sense of shame and regret.

It truly was a stupid and thoughtless move.

I hadn’t thought of the positions of the current me and General Kanon at all.

Even though I was a Guardian, I was also just a student.

On the other hand, Kanon was a renowned Frezier general, the right-hand man of the queen.

In fact, if I were to cry and cling to such an important person, it was no wonder that people thought I might be trying to harm him in some way. I could have been executed on the spot for it.

But at the time, I really didn’t have that in mind at all…

At that moment, I suddenly felt Lapis’s gaze on me.

She was staring at my face as though looking at something strange.

”...? Lapis? Do I have potato salad on my face or something?”

”No,” Lapis shook her head when I wiped at my cheek and mouth. Then, she looked down with a somewhat melancholic expression. “...I knew that this day would come one day, and now it has. You’ve finally regained the Scarlet Witch’s memories.”

I wondered if Lapis, like Thor, was worried about my change.

”But you’re still Makia, aren’t you?”

”Of course.” I nodded vigorously at Nero’s question. But after I answered, I tilted my head. “I…think so? I’m still confused, but I don’t feel like my personality has changed to Makirié’s. I’m me. Probably?”

”Why do you sound so doubtful?”

”Well, that’s because I’m not quite sure yet. I think of myself as Makia, but…”

I pressed my hand to my forehead, thinking in circles.

Yes. I felt that I was Makia, and unlike the other great magicians, there was no indication that I was controlled by the personality of my past life. But I couldn’t think of Makirié’s memories and feelings as belonging to someone else either. That strange feeling was still wavering within me.

”But…I definitely was ‘Makirié’ right after I Returned.”

At that moment, the current me felt deeply connected to her feelings in her last moments.

My head and heart were filled with nothing but repentance towards Kanon.

To the point where there was no room to think about anything else.

”Did something happen with Brother in your past life? He’s the <Collector> who kills Great Magician-classes and brings their bodies back to the Holy Land, isn’t he?” Nero asked me with a serious expression on his face.

Apparently, he already knew about Kanon’s role.

I wonder if he was briefed on all sorts of things when he came here from the Kingdom of Ruschia. Since it was information that would become necessary in future wars…

”Yes, that’s right…it did look like he was also the <Collector> five hundred years ago. But he was also an incredibly important person to me.”

Even now, I could vividly recall the days spent with Kanon in the Salt Forest.

Those lovely, peaceful days. The existence who noticed my loneliness.

While offering me an anemone flower, he called me a “kind witch.”

He had the hidden goal of killing great magicians, but until the time came when he must kill us, he was the one watching over us, wishing for our happiness.

I never knew such a kind reaper.

As I immersed in the memories, tears welled up in my eyes again.

I drank my citrus juice to cover up my tears. Nero asked me a question with a straight face.

”In the time of the <Scarlet Witch>, were you and Brother lovers?”

I spat out the juice I drank.

I was shocked to hear that from Nero, who seemed so distant from topics of love.

”Huh!? No, no, no, that’s not true! Why would you think that!?

I denied it, turning red all over. My sentimental tears receded within me. 

Lapis and Nero looked at each other.

”But that’s how it looked to me from what happened this morning…” Lapis said.

”Me too. I still think that after hearing what you said,” Nero said.

”Huh? Huh?”

”It looked like you and Queen Shatoma were fighting over Brother.”


Cold sweat dripped from me.

Thanks to Nero’s clear clarification, I now had a full understanding of just how wrongly I acted this morning. My mind was going blank to the point where I was starting to feel faint.

”Hey, Makia. If I’m wrong, then you should properly explain it to Thor Bigreitz. Seeing you like that this morning, he seems to be…acting strangely. He’s probably misunderstanding a lot of things.”

”Mr. Thor was banging his head on walls all over the place…”


Listening to Nero and Lapis’s words, I regained the consciousness that had nearly flown away.

And then, my eyes widened.

That’s right. I couldn’t explain anything to Thor.

When I recalled his expression this morning, he looked anxious and disturbed.

It’s no wonder. Ever since he came to the Holy Land, he had been afraid that I would regain the memories of the <Scarlet Witch>. Since the Black Demon King and the Scarlet Witch should each have their own spouses, he was worried that by regaining my memories, I would be trapped by the personality and love of my previous life.

Thor was so terrified that I would cease to be me.


I pressed a trembling hand to my mouth.

The <Black Demon King> and <Scarlet Witch> were actually husband and wife.

But that marriage was fraught with a very complicated feeling of indebtedness, and we parted in death, still misunderstanding each other until the end.

Perhaps Thor was already aware of some of his regrets, even though he didn’t recall the <Black Demon King’s> memories. Before, I had also glimpsed fragments of memories.

The Black Demon King…Torc…

In his last letter, he wrote many things about his feelings for his second wife Makirié, and his wishes for the next life.

I was definitely crying when I read that letter.

After my Return, the first person I went to see was Kanon…


Driven by an enormous sense of agitation, I couldn’t stay in my room any longer and hurriedly left. But just then, I realized that I was still in my nightgown, so I tossed it off of me. As Lapis was firmly covering Nero’s eyes, I finished getting dressed as I ran around my room.

I flew out of my room and dashed towards Thor’s.

I had to see him and talk to him.

Even though I didn’t even know what and how to explain to him.

Thor wasn’t in his room, so I searched around for him.


I finally found him in the hallway that connected Vabel Palace and the cathedral, discussing something with Bishop Eska. They both had furrowed brows…

As I approached, Thor looked a little surprised.

”Milady, you’re awake.”

”Yes. I didn’t think I could explain anything to you…”

I ran up to Thor. He had an indescribable expression on his face. I felt uneasy, not knowing what he was feeling right now.

What was more, Bishop Eska, standing right next to him, cut into our conversation with a grin. “Hey, Makia. Heard you did something pretty spectacular this morning. You hugged Kanon, right? Gyahaha! That’s a surefire way piss Lady Wisteria Princess off!”

”Um, um…that’s…”

The bishop got straight to the point with that easily misunderstood story. He was definitely doing it on purpose.

”No, it’s not like that, Thor!” I shook my head several times.

”Then what is it like, Milady?”

Thor looked the same as he always did, and his gaze was somewhat cold. What’s more, his tone was flat and monotone, making me panic more and more.

”Well, Kanon and I were…how do I explain it…something like a family.”

”A family?”

”Yes. In the time of the Scarlet Witch, we lived together in the Salt Forest.”

Thor seemed to realize something just from hearing this less-than-informative story.

”I see, so that’s what it is. So, was it the Scarlet Witch who named that man ‘Kanon’?”

”Yes, that’s right. The Scarlet Witch met the <Collector> in the previous life. Back then, he was still a child…I didn’t know that he would kill me one day. I asked him his name, but he said he didn’t have one. That’s why I named him Kanon. That was how we became a family.”


As I talked, I realized something.

It was just like how Thor and I met once upon a time.

When I realized that, my heart thumped. I knew that it was an unpleasant thumping.

Thor’s gaze on me was tinged with a hint of resignation. His beautiful violet eyes looked like they were clouding over little by little.

In the past, I asked Thor why he liked me, and this was his answer.

Because you gave me my name…

Until now, it had been a special relationship and cherished memory between Thor and me only.

”I see. The treasured memory…of our meeting, of you giving me my name, doesn’t only belong to us.” Thor said matter-of-factly.

I couldn’t deny it.

”I’m sure that for you, it must have been a rehash of the sparkling memories from your past life that existed somewhere in your heart.”

”No…! No, Thor, I–”

”No, it’s fine, Milady.”

Thor averted his gaze from me.

He sounded angry, sad, and neither of those things at the same time.

”I somehow knew it would always turn out like this. I vaguely…knew that in our previous lives, the <Scarlet Witch> cared most for another man who wasn’t the <Black Demon King>.” Thor smiled bitterly as he said this. “Is it because I opened the Black Box and began to use the Black Demon King’s magic? Or is it because I sometimes dream about him? Somehow, I knew that the Black Demon King wasn’t loved by the Scarlet Witch.”


I slowly widened my eyes. I couldn’t say anything. I just shook my head repeatedly.

But Thor continued to speak with a sad smile on his face.

”When I first met General Kanon, I also felt a strange feeling in my heart. You were terrified of him back then, but on the other hand, I also felt an unexplained sense of caution that told me that this man is my greatest enemy. Did this intuition come from my previous life? I have a feeling it wasn’t just uneasiness towards the <Collector>.”

It was true that Thor had always been wary of Kanon.

Seeing me frightened upon reuniting with Kanon, he tried to protect me. Back then, Kanon was the man who killed my second past life, Oda Kazuha, after all.

But it was possible that ever since then, Thor felt a sense of unease about something else.

”I see. So he is your destined one after all, Milady.”

”No, Thor! The Scarlet Witch and Kanon weren’t like that…!”

But in the time of the <Scarlet Witch>, Kanon was indeed my most important person.

I didn’t know what “destined one” indicated, but certainly meeting him was one part of my destiny.

The Scarlet Witch Makirié loved the Black Demon King Torc in the beginning. But those feelings were slowly discouraged, and faded away when I met Kanon. My love for Torc was no longer number one in my heart.

That was because Makirié learned what it felt like to be a mother.

One’s love for one’s children surely surpasses feelings of romantic love.

But if I told those things to Thor, I would only wound him deeply. I didn’t know how to tell him.

I was at a loss for words, tears in my eyes.

”My apologies. I was talking as though I understood, even though I still haven’t Returned yet.” Thor, unable to just watch me like that, apologized first. ”But I am a cowardly man. I’m afraid that by being by your side, I will learn the truth of five hundred years ago, or that I will recall it and change completely.”


”Please give me some time, Young Mistress Makia O’Drielle.”

Thor took my hand and kissed its back in a knightly manner, then turned around and walked away from me.

”Oi, oi,” Eska, who was watching the whole thing, ran up to him.

”You’re too immature. But when you Return, your mentality will mature more. You might be able to get rid of that kind of pain, you know?”

”Please don’t ask me to Return at a time like this. I’ll kill you.”

”Gah, this is no good.”

And then, the bishop glanced at me with an exasperated expression. And then, he and Thor went off somewhere together.


As for me, I stood there, unable to move.

The worst part was that I myself didn’t understand my feelings right now.

That was why I couldn’t give Thor the most suitable explanation, nor could I say the most important words.

In the end, who was the “most important” person to me right now?

Even I didn’t know that.

”I’m sorry…Thor…!”

I won’t forget this love.

I will never leave you alone.

I said those words so confidently before I Returned.

I was supposed to have prepared myself properly to touch the World Tree and retrace the memories.

And yet, how did it become like this? It turns out that I hadn’t prepared at all where it really counted.

I’m sorry.

I hurt Thor deeply.

Even though I myself knew the pain of unrequited love all too well.


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